Featured Ambassador - Tessy De Luxembourg

Featured Ambassador - Tessy De Luxembourg

Tessy De Luxembourg on Oct 17th 2019

I have always been an animal lover. As a child I had chickens, cats, dogs, mice, snake and even a little cow. I grew up in the city during the week and in the country side next to a farm on the weekend. Truly, I had a wonderful childhood. My childhood has passed but the love to animals has remained. I own a cavalier King Charles called Woody. For the rest, I am involved in animal charities such as Shongolulu as much as I can because I think that these charities do make a difference. There is a fine balance between humans and animals which needs to be cherished and respected. This applies specially to endangered animals such as leatherback sea turtle and the Saola which is an Asian unicorn.

Speaking a bit about my ambassadorial ship at Shongolulu and why I chose ‘elephants’ as my signature animals. For me, elephants are amongst the most magnificent animals on this planet. They are very intelligent and have an incredible memory. It is sad to see how we humans have destroyed their natural habitats and with this provoked an imbalance between elephants and humans. It is truly a dilemma. Elephants loose everyday thousands of square miles of their natural habitat so that humans can put infrastructures in place. This leaves the elephants with not much choice other then to enter the human habitat. This makes both the human species and the elephants clash, often with devastating consequences.

I think by supporting charitable acts such as the one Shongolulu does with their clothes line change can be triggered. One might not see this change instantly but I do know that it will be visible eventually. Our children will thank us later for providing them with a planet as diverse as the one we found when we were young. We humans have a restricted life span, lets make it worth while and invest our time and effort in causes that create a better world.